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Our Purpose

Supporting New Zealand’s emerging sailing talent to succeed on the international stage.

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How we do this

The NZL Sailing Foundation provides financial support in the form of a grant to help support talented, young New Zealand sailors to develop their abilities by competing in international sailing regattas.

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Our context

  • New Zealand is isolated from the major international competitive sailing scene.

  • The vast majority of our sailing fleets in New Zealand are small in size compared to other competitive sailing nations. As a consequence, we are limited in our ability to provide experiences for our sailors to compete in large, high quality fleets domestically.

  • Our ability to train and compete internationally is expensive, particularly for our young, emerging talent who are not supported by HPSNZ, Yachting NZ or as part of the professional sailing scene.

  • In order for NZL sailing to continue to succeed on the international stage, our young emerging talent needs opportunities to travel and compete internationally.

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Our priorities

1. We believe that the primary pathway to success at the highest levels of the sport of sailing is through competing in internationally recognised sailing classes that are recognised by World Sailing and meet some of the following criteria:


  • Sailed and competed in globally (in many nations and on all populated continents).

  • Are part of World Sailing’s World Youth Championships.

  • Are internationally recognised youth (under 18 years of age) or junior classes (under 23 years of age).

  • Are Olympic classes or classes with clear pathways into Olympic classes (including Paralympic sailing classes).

  • Are pathways into potential professional competitive sailing opportunities (e.g. World Match Racing Circuit, Sail GP, America’s Cup (including Youth and Women’s America’s Cup), competitive around the world races…).



2. We will prioritise support for youth sailors (under 25 years of age) who have demonstrated talent and potential through their domestic and, if appropriate, international sailing results in competitive sailing classes.


3. We will prioritise support for the costs of travelling to and attending recognised international regattas (including potential training before-hand). This may include costs associated with:


  • Airfares

  • Accommodation

  • Boat/board/equipment transportation

  • Insurance

  • Regatta entry fees

  • Coaching support services (e.g. coach boat costs)


​4. We usually will not support the following costs​


  • Purchase of equipment

  • Payment of wages for coaches

  • Payment of personal costs associated with the travel and competing (such as food)

  • Payment of costs for support personnel (such as parents) with the exception of essential support people for special needs (e.g. paralympic sailing)

  • Costs associated with running an event

  • Sailors who are professional, supported by HPSNZ grants and/or members of the NZL Sailing Team receiving financial support from Yachting New Zealand (noting we will consider applications for grants from NZL Sailing Team Development Squad members who receive limited financial support from YNZ but this must be disclosed in the application)

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Financial Constraints

The NZL Sailing Foundation has limited funds available. As a consequence, the Trustees reserve the right to award or not award grants at their discretion and based upon their assessment of the application and the applicant. It is unlikely that the Trust will award a grant to the same applicant on more than three occasions. 

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